Hi! I'm Lindy Hues. I learn new things for a living.

Image on Lindy Hues in a corporate setting, wearing a blue button-down shirt
I've been exploring AI recently. If you choose the red pill, you'll discover that this photo was originally set in my kitchen.

My path began as a devious plan to leave early every day in high school…

I have a very dry sense of humor, but the truth is that my ambition led me to pursue a work release program, working with an internship in residential drafting. I developed an insatiable appetite for solving the complexities of building houses on paper, often sneaking out of class to go to work because I'd finally figured out a tricky part of the roof system and I couldn't rest until I got it down.

My passion for visual communication has always been fueled by a fearless approach to learning new things

I learned how to draw house plans as an intern, and quickly moved from making minor updates to being assigned a full build from start to finish.

Over time, I began to realize that drafting was just a hyper-specialized form of visual communication, and my focus shifted to graphic design as a broader way to engage in problem-solving.

While I do hold two degrees, most of my experience has been gained on-the-job

  • I learned how to create HTML email campaigns over a few lunch breaks in a corporate setting.
  • I've mastered three learning management systems (LMSs) while leading courses in them at the same time.
  • I have no formal eduation in teaching; I was recruited straight from the design industry.

One of the reasons I'm such a quick study is my willingness to teach others what I know

This actually started at that first job — before I left for college, I recruited and trained my replacement. I enjoy achieving symmetry, and helping to match people with opportunities is something that comes naturally to me.

In my current role as a college teacher, I have been steeped in design education for years, and I'm finding that growing as an educator has also made me a better designer.

  • I've got countless hours of experience in troubleshooting not only my work, but also the work of colleagues — both more senior to me and more junior.
  • The requirements placed upon my students often afford me the opportunity to expand my skillset to help them. I've learned how to develop for two different CMS platforms in the last couple of years so that I could teach someone else how to do it.
  • I'm known as the web and tech evangelist of both the design program and among my colleagues. I'm frequently invited to pilot new technologies and to break them down for colleagues to onboard them when the time comes.

My interests are broad, but not because I lack focus. Being a lifelong learner is my focus, and I can acclimate to the business of my clients quickly as a result. Take a look at my resume to learn more about how my professional background has shaped my willingness to embrace uncertainty and accept new challenges.

© Lindy Hues
